Monday, August 10, 2009

7 months!

Holy Cow! I feel like I just wrote a 6 month post, but then again, we've had a busy month. Here's a 7 month update on the Cole-man...

Weight 18lbs Height? I'll have to measure him, but he's a little squirmy.

Clothes: 6-9 months, though, some of his sleepers are a little short. I guess I'll have to buy some longer ones this weekend. Still size 3 diapers.

Teeth: Lower left tooth is HUGE! His lower right tooth just broke through this morning and his top right is super swollen and hopefully it'll show up any day now too.

Strength milestones: Sitting up is the only acceptable position for Cole right now. There will be no laying down because that means sleep and sleep has been the enemy for the last week and a half. He is trying really, really hard to crawl and it's frustrating him. He doesn't quite understand how or why he can't reach something (usually Lola) when he wants it.

Eating: He's doing a little better with trying new foods. He still loves his bananas but he's also a fan of peaches, pears, and applesauce. We did get some squash in him last night though we had to disguise it with some bananas. Oh, and he LOVED the apple/strawberry combo but he broke out into a huge rash and hives on his back (strawberry is the most common allergy at this age) so we won't be doing that again anytime soon! *Update* we tried squash again tonight and he threw up. I guess squash is a no for now too.

Personality: Cole's becoming more of a mama's boy everyday! He loves everyone, but when he sees me, he'll reach for me every time. Except for Lola. Funny enough, he's begun reaching for her when she walks by. If she could only hold him...

Babbles: Cole's always been pretty vocal, but the mama is coming on strong. Now, once I get him to associate that with me, I'll have an extra $150 in my pocket. I'm not too far away. Stupid daddy shouldn't make bets. You thought he would have learned that after our trip to Vegas!

Finally, Sleep: Something I've been missing the past two weeks. Really, it's such a sore subject in our house right now I don't even want to discuss it. I'm hoping it's the teeth and we'll be better soon. Just say a prayer that he'll start going to bed easier because I'm about to go crazy. It's a good thing he's so cute!

Day 215
(Playing fun games with daddy)

Day 214
(Big boy tub)

Day 213 - 7 months old
(Thank goodness he sleeps in the car)

Day 212

Day 211
(Eating frozen peaches)

Day 210

Day 209
(Peaches are fun!)

Day 208


Unknown said...

oh i miss you guys! love all the pix of Cole! :)

BeeBopp23 said...

Cole's photos are adorable! I started out the new year taking a picture everyday, but I only made it about two weeks! Lol! Of course, I didn't have a cute baby to keep me going so I think that was the problem! :) I might try to do it again on my birthday, but it will just be random things out of my day.

BeeBopp23 said...

oh, by the way, here's my address for my blog....

BeeBopp23 said...

Hi! I was wondering if you would be interested in going to this? Its a little costly, but I think it would be fun! I'm gonna look into it some more!