Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Big Changes

I really feel like Cole grew up this month and I realized that I sure don't have a baby boy anymore.
We got down and dirty and finally got him daytime potty trained. We're still working on naps and haven't even attempted bedtime yet, but during the day he now wears big boy undies and it's so stinking cute!

Cole also started preschool! Yay! He's attending TRACE Academy two days a week in the mornings and he loves it.

1st Day of Preschool
September 26, 2011

I also love it as it gives me time to focus on my new business...yes, you heard me right, as of today, I'm officially a business owner. I've started a company called Creative Kids Dance. Instead of working at a studio, I'm going into preschools and daycares and teaching classes. So far, I have two schools interested and that's probably the most I'll personally teach at and the others I'll hire teachers for. I'm really looking forward to running my own dance program. So far, I'm getting really great feed back and the school directors are very interested so hopefully it'll be a big success! So, needless to say, it's been a big, busy month around here, but that's nothing really new. Life would be so boring if I didn't have a million and a half things I was trying to do, right?

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