Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Here we go again...

Alright blog readers, I'm not sure how many of you there are left from when Cole was born, but I'm going to try to make an attempt to start all over again and post 1 picture a day of Alaina until she turns 1. We'll see how it goes with two kiddos now, but really, as long as I don't forget, it's a pretty easy task. Last time I got a little mixed up towards the end when we were in Spokane, so I'm going to try to stay a little more organized and on top of things this time. Since I'm a little busier this time around, maybe I'll even pick one day, like Sunday to post the pictures from the following week. I'm not the type of person who quits things when I start something, so I'll feel really bad if I can't follow through with this and have to stop, but please try not to judge me too harsh if I do :-)
So, without further ado, let us begin...

365 Days of Alaina Reese Jabara
(with a lot of Cole mixed in too)!

Day 5
(Sleeping Beauty)

Day 4
(Cute Ruffle Butt)

Day 3
(My first clipee in my hair)

Day 2
(Meeting Gea)

Day 1 - Friday, May 13, 2011
(Happy Birthday, Alaina Reese!)


aclinnell said...

I am so happy you are doing this again! I was hoping you would :)

Monica Davis Bowman said...

She is just so beautiful! I'm glad you are doing the one pic a day again! I loved it with Cole! Congrats on Alaina! She is adorable!

BeeBopp23 said...

She is just GORGEOUS!!!!! I love day one's photo! You look beautiful and happy and exhausted! :)