Monday, August 30, 2010

18 Month erh...19 Month Check Up

Since we were in Spokane between Dugway and Hawaii when Cole turned 18 months, we were a tad late (1 month and some change late) for his check-up. I really wanted to wait and do it at Tripler though so we could get him in with his new pediatrician. Cole was a gem for the doctor, of course, and he gained some weight which we were very happy about. The only issue was that he has not been to the dentist yet, I know, bad mommy, but I blame daddy because he never signed him up for insurance. Anyway, he's going on Thursday...I'm hoping he's as good for her as he was for the pediatrician! He also got vaccines and he's done with them until he's 4! Crazy that seems like such a long ways away. I'm sure it'll be here before we know it though.

Weight: 24lbs 12oz (25%)
Height: 32.5" (30%)
Head: Can't remember, but it was like in the 70-80th%

Clothes: 12 - 18 months, Diapers: size 4
Favorite foods right now: black beans, blueberries (the combo makes for an awesome diaper change by the way), grapes, hot dogs.
Favorite Toy: Any trucks or trains. I swear the kid wakes up and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is "choo choo"
Words: Too many to count! But his favorite word, you guessed it, "NO!"
Sleep: Cole's totally sleeping through the night, but waking up at 6 because he hears Ben wake up. 6am - 6pm is a really long day to be by yourself with a toddler, but at least we're in a place now where we can run a few errands and go on outings!
Teeth: While we were in Spokane Cole got his 15th and 16th teeth. Now we're just waiting on his 2 year molars and he'll have them all!

And for your viewing pleasure: A little video of Cole nicely sharing his breakfast.

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