Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cole's 1st Trip to the Dentist

Last week Cole had his first dental appointment. His dentist is Dr. Ancheta-Carroll and she's the wife of one of the pediatricians at Tripler. She was VERY nice as was her entire office staff. Cole did a fabulous job. He just sat on my lap and was such a good listener. They counted his teeth (16), brushed with toothpaste, which he had never tasted before, and flossed! He goes back in 6 months. They warned me though that he's going to need braces since his teeth are so crowded, esp. on the bottom, and he has a very deep bite on the bottom. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I should have guessed he would do great since he's always wonderful with strangers!

The Star Patient!
(He's such a big boy, sniff, sniff)

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