Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

Last year, Ben had to work, so Cole and I spent the majority of Easter alone, so we were very blessed this year to get to celebrate all together. We woke up and had breakfast and then we went to church at the Dugway chapel to celebrate with our community. Ben and I would have preferred a traditional Catholic Mass, but we thought it was important to see some people that we knew since we weren't with any other family this year. After church we came home and Cole napped and then we had a little egg hunt for him in the house (since there was stupid snow on the ground from the night before) and he got to open his baskets.

The Easter Bunny went a little crazy this year, but, I love shopping for Easter baskets. They're like stockings, just a bunch of little stuff. From Mama and Dada, Cole got: a bubble gun, 2 board books, a Gymboree ball, a mini shovel and rake, sidewalk chalk, a few little wooden animals, sunglasses, a dump truck with blocks in it, and a monkey backpack/harness. He also got more books, some summer shoes, a few outfits, and a singing puppet duck from the rest of our family. Thanks Grandma & Grandpa, Nana & Papa, Tutu & G-Paw, Auntie Joelle, Aunt Viv, The Browns and The Bennett's for sending Cole Easter surprises! We love you all very much!

Cole's meeting with the Easter Bunny...
He was very tired and ready for a nap.

Cole's overflowing basket from Mama and Dada (and Lola)

Mommy's two handsome boys!
Daddy had to wear his dress blues to church.

Cole was VERY excited about this dump truck with blocks!
What a goof!

Funny, I'm wearing the same thing I wore last year
because both years it's been freezing :(

That's a lot of presents to open for one
special boy on Easter!

Indoor egg hunt

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