Friday, April 30, 2010

Honolulu House Hunting

After a VERY exhaustive search on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we finally made an offer on a house Wednesday evening. There was a already another offer on it, but that couple had a contingency on the offer that they had to sell their house first, so after one counter offer and a 24 hour wait for the other couple to take the offer off the house, we're finally in escrow! We love the new place and we're very excited to move in. It's 3 bedrooms 2 baths and there's another room that will eventually be turned into a 4th bedroom (if there's another baby coming at some point) and it's in a very quiet neighborhood at the top of Pearl City and we have a gorgeous view of Pearl Harbor. Here's our new house (hopefully nothing terrible will happen and it'll be ours on June 18th). We're very excited for everyone to come visit and stay with us!

Front of the house


Possible 4th bedroom

Back of the house

Kitchen, which will eventually be renovated


Master bedroom, little office and bathroom

Master bathroom
(Ben loves the color, but it's a little too bright)

Cole's bedroom



sarah said...

love it! congrats!

My thoughts said...

It is a beautiful home! Congratulations!