Friday, January 22, 2010

Weird Week

This week has been so strange. On Saturday night, Ben was called by his boss and told to pack his bags and he might be getting deployed to Haiti. The other doctor in the unit just had surgery, so Ben had to take his place. Fine. Ben wanted to go help anyway. So we waited, and waited and on Monday they still did not know what the plan was. On Tuesday, he was told that he needed to fly to Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs and get vaccinated and pick up some supplies and his flight left at 1:30 on Wednesday. So, Wednesday morning, we get up, Ben goes to work for a bit and then we headed into SLC. Half way there the phone he's not going at all and instead, the unit is going to the Olympics! I know, kind of crazy, going from Haiti to the Olympics, but whatever. All day Ben was trying to convince himself that he wasn't going because he didn't want to get his hopes up. So we figured this whole thing was over.

We were wrong. Thursday, through a series of phone calls and emails, Ben gets word that he is indeed getting deployed and it's either going to be Haiti for 90 days or Vancouver for 2 weeks. Hmmm....let's think about that for a minute. Then, the unit was on stand down (not on 24 hour notice anymore) for Haiti. That was good news for us.

So, where are we at now? I have no idea! Just kidding. Ben's flying to Ft. Carson on Tuesday and he'll be there until Thursday and then the following week he's going down to Ft. Hood for a training. And, if the stars align, he'll be going to the Olympics. It would really suck if he goes to Ft. Carson and Ft. Hood and not get to go to Vancouver, but you never know. I'm so excited for him though. We were excited for him to get the opportunity to help the people in Haiti, but, since that isn't happening, I'm excited that he's getting the opportunity to go to the Olympics. I really wanted to go too because I've always wanted to go to the Olympics, but then I realized last night at 3am, Cole doesn't have a passport.

Lesson learned: Always have a valid passport. You'll never know when you'll get to, or, need to, leave the country.

(Cole sporting his fancy new shoes)

(This is Cole's favorite place to sit.
I really need to get him his own little chair)

(He looks like a little dj in this track suit)
(Lola is not amused)

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