Monday, January 18, 2010

12 Month Check up!

(Getting ready for the Saints)

On Friday, we went into Salt Lake City and Cole got his 1 year check up and 4 shots. He did very well and the doctor was very nice. We have to go back in one month for a flu booster and again in 3 months for another check up. After the appointment we went to Gymboree. It was fun because Ben got to see just how much Cole loves Gymboree classes. The owner is letting us pay per class since we can't commit to driving in every week, which is very nice.

Here's Cole's 12 month stats:

Weight: 20lbs 13oz (25%)
Height: 30.5 inches (70%)
Head: don't remember the measurement but it was like 90% (we all know he's got a big noggin)
Clothes: he's kind of in between 9-12 months and 12-18 months. Diapers: size 3, but we're moving to a 4 the next time I buy them.

Eating: Cole's becoming a better eater every day. He loves yogurt, tomatoes, bread, pasta and all fruit. He also doesn't mind diced carrots. We're starting to introduce whole milk this week just as a supplement when he eats his meals. And we finally found a cup he'll drink out of! He doesn't like bottles (the dr. told us to just get rid of it because he's 1 and he won't drink out of it anyway) and hated sippy cups, but he loves cups with straws, so we found a winner!

Sleeping: Since we've been back, we've had a few nights of really good sleep. We had a couple of rough nights, but we gave Cole some tough love (made him cry) and now he's only getting up once a night. I slept for 8 hours straight for the first time in a year and a week the night before last! Now we're just trying to figure out naps. We think he's transitioning from two naps to one, but he's not quite ready for that, so our days are all messed up.

Words: Cole's vocabulary is growing though we're probably the only ones who can understand it. He now says: mama, dada, Lola, dog, ears, yes and this.

Strength: When Cole stands up (he still has to scale something to stand up) he can walk all the way across the room by himself. Like I said though, he's yet to just go from sitting to standing on his own, but once he figures this out, he's going to be a walking machine.
He does love to climb though. He tries to climb everything he can so we have to watch him pretty carefully to make sure he's not getting into trouble.

Teeth: 4 top, 4 bottom, and I can see the two top molars coming in (the two bottom ones won't be far behind, his gums are very swollen). I'll be so relieved when these molars come in!

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