Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I hate doing two posts in one sitting, but I wanted to split his 9 month post up from the Portland one...

On Saturday, Cole, Lola, and I flew to Portland to meet "Auntie" Sarah and "Uncle" Jesse's new baby, Owen. This was Lola's first flight and I was pretty nervous, but she did great. It was hilarious looking out the window while we were waiting for the flight and seeing her sitting next to the plane and then getting loaded onto the plane with the luggage!
Our time always goes so quickly in Portland, but it was nice to see Aunt Katie and my good friends Trish and Anna (neither had met Cole yet) and, of course, meet beautiful Owen. We all had a wonderful time and now tomorrow, the three of us are driving to Spokane. Wish me luck!

Day 284
(Cole playing with Sarah's nice, Ava)

(Owen Jonathan - 2 weeks old)

(Sarah and Lindsay with our sweet baby boys)

Day 283
(Cole's favorite part...doggies!)

Day 282

Day 281
(Getting ready for our flight)

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