Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Cole!!!

Sweet baby only 5 days old

Our baby is finally 1!

Our big boy is 2!

I can't believe today we celebrated Cole's 2nd Birthday. It feels like he just turned 1! It's amazing how much he's grown and learned over the past year. And also how far we've come the past year as well. He sleeps like a champ now, finally, and he's eating so much better too. A few months ago I couldn't get the kid to eat any meat and now that's all he'll eat. It's just so funny how quickly things change. Also, as of this week, Cole has been completely weaned! He nursed for one year and 357 days. I can't believe we nursed that long! I'm very grateful that I'm getting a little break before the next baby though. I'm going to do a complete update after his 2 year check up, but I thought I'd just add one of my favorite things that Cole does now. He says so much and can be so sweet, but I think my favorite is when he says "bless you" when someone sneezes (or coughs). It just melts my heart every time he does it. Especially though when he's involved in something and you don't think he's paying attention, but then you sneeze and he stops whatever it is he's working on and says "Bless you!" and little does he know that we are very blessed because we have a perfect 2 year old in our lives!

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