Saturday, July 25, 2009

Maui Part Deux

For the second part of our Maui vacation, one of Ben's best friends, Alex, and his girlfriend (now fiancee) Liz, joined us. We had a blast hanging out at the beach with them, going for a sunset walk, and visiting the Baldwin's farm. We look forward to seeing them hopefully in January or February for some skiing in Utah!
Thanks so much Tutu and G-Paw for our wonderful visit! Cole had a great first trip to Maui!

Day 188
Aloha, Maui, we'll be back in December!

Day 187
Cole's tree Uncle Edward and Aunt Sally planted on their farm

Cole loved sweet little Liberty

That's a lot of plums!

And that's also a lot of chickens!

Double date night

Day 186
Tio Alex and Liz

A little man love

Cole Kisses!

Big Kahuna

Day 185
Chillin' on Tutu's new island

Day 184
On Tutu and G-Paw's Lanai

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