Thursday, July 30, 2009
On the Road Again
After the appointment, Cole and I drove to Spokane and Ben had to stay and finish outprocessing at Madigan. He joined us a couple of days later. While in Spokane, we got to Cole's Aunt Holly, Uncle Tom and cousins. I think the cousins had a lot more fun with him now that he can sit up on his own and actually play a little more.
On Sunday we started our journed down to our new home in Dugway, UT. We drove from Spokane to Idaho Falls the first day and then to Dugway the second day. Thank GOD my mom was with us! Mom, Cole and I drove in one car and Ben with Lola in the other. It took us a bit longer than it would have without Cole, but all in all it wasn't too bad. Considering we were in the car for almost 2 days straight, he did pretty well. More on Dugway later! :)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Maui Part Deux
Thanks so much Tutu and G-Paw for our wonderful visit! Cole had a great first trip to Maui!
Day 188
Friday, July 10, 2009
Half Birthday
I’ve learned this year that you don’t really realize how quickly time passes until you have a child. Maybe time has passed more quickly because of our crazy busy lives, but when you have a child and you actually pay attention to the months passing, and it’s amazing how fast it really goes. Cole turned 6 months on Wednesday and when he was born, I promised him that I would always celebrate his half birthday because his real birthday is only 2 weeks after Christmas. I made cupcakes (for adults only of course) and he doesn’t have many toys, so he’ll be getting a few new toys when we move.
Here’s what Cole’s accomplished in 6 short months:
Weight and height: we have to wait until Cole’s 6 month appointment on July 15th
Clothes: we’ve moved up to 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
Teeth: I can see the lower left tooth coming in and I hope it’ll break through soon because it’s driving him crazy.
Strength milestones: Cole’s sitting up on his own! Right now he can only sit for about 5 minutes without falling over, but he’s doing it longer and longer each day.
He also rolls over from his back to his tummy all the time, but he forgets that he also knows how to get from his tummy to his back and he gets angry. He tries to scoot himself forward, but doesn’t make it very far. I’m not super eager for him to crawl anyway!
Eating: Cole’s still mostly breastfeeding but he does get one meal a day of baby food. Or, I should say, one meal of bananas because that’s all he’ll eat. We’ve tried oatmeal cereal, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, and plumbs. He gags and throws up everything we feed him except the bananas. Today we’re going to try pears and see how he does. Ben was a super picky eater as a child and I intentionally tried to eat a variety of foods when I was pregnant because apparently that helps expand the babies taste buds, but obviously it did no good.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Maui Part 1
The following day we took Cole to the beach for the first time. He LOVED sitting and just watching the waves and he stuck his toes in the sand and water. He refused to nap while we were there because there was just too much to see and as soon as I put him in his carseat he passed out.
Other than that, we've just kind of hung out at the new house. It's absolutely beautiful and perfect for Jim, Linda and all their guests when they come. They also have 2 new goats, which is fun.
Our friends, Alex and Liz arrive tomorrow, so we'll try to post the second part of our trip before we leave. Oh, and how can I forget, today's Cole's 6 month birthday! I'll try to do a 6 month update in the next couple of days.