Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5 Months!

Last week while we were in Spokane, Cole turned 5 months old. Now that we're back and getting up to date with the blog, here's his 5 month stats:

Weight: 16lbs 6oz
Wears size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
Milestones: he has started rolling from back to tummy now, but then he forgets that he already knows how to roll from tummy to back and he gets frustrated and cries. This has become a huge hassle in bed because he rolls over and wakes himself up. He has also started doing a "raking grasp" and he reaches for everything. All objects, once in hand, must go in the mouth immediately!
Favorite Activities: Cole loves to play with or in anything, including the Jolly Jumper. Another new development this month is that Cole is obsessed with Lola. He's perfectly content watching her do anything and when he sees her in the morning he gives her a huge smile. He's also started to reach out and grab for her, which usually just ends with a fist full of fur. Lola's a great sport though and I think she's warming up to him a little more too. So far she's been super patient and gentle with him. Cole has also found his feet and can get them into his mouth. Mmmmm, toes!
Teeth: Those darn things just won't come in. I wish they would just pop through already so he could stop being uncomfortable until the next round.
Strength: Pretty soon Cole should be sitting on his own. We're practicing this everyday because it turns out that Cole has no interest in sitting and wants to move straight to standing and jumping. He has also started to push himself forward a little bit with his toes when he's on his tummy. I think we'll be baby proofing our new house as soon as we arrive!
Sleeping: All sleep, including naps, takes place in his crib!

Day 158
(already reaching for the beer)

Day 157
(Jolly Jumpin')

Day 156
(Lovey, bink, shades, I'm ready to go, Mom!)

Day 155

Day 154
(Back home with daddy)

Day 153
(Sitting Practice)

Day 152
(Out with the girls)

Day 151
(5 Months Old)

Day 150
(Cousin Madison holding him while he takes a nap)

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