Monday, April 20, 2009

What a Week!

This last week quickly turned into a very crazy, busy, but fun one. On Monday we made a last-minute trip to visit Ben's parents in Tri-Cities to go through the stuff Ben has there since they're moving to Maui. Then on Thursday my mom and sister came to visit. We shopped, ate, did a few wedding things for my sister, and went down to the market. It was so much fun! Cole and I are very tired from our week. This week we have nothing planned except cleaning the house, but who knows, I'm sure something will come up!

Grandma and Cole
Cole is sporting the new summer hat Grammy just bought him at the market

Day 102
(I guess he just want to sleep and be left alone)

Day 101
(With Aunt Joelle)

Day 100

Day 99
(Liking the toy a little more)

Day 98
(Hanging out at TuTu's)

Day 97
(Nakie Cole on a bear skin rug, really, a fur coat)

Day 96
(checking out his new toy...not sure what to think about it)

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