Wednesday, April 8, 2009

3 months!

Cole's 3 months today and last night he slept from 9:30 - 5:30! I couldn't believe it. I'm sure it was just a fluke considering he didn't sleep well the night before, but I'll take 8 hours of sleep when I can get it. I can't believe he's already 3 months old. He looks like such a little boy now and not a baby. Before I know it it'll be time to start giving him solid foods! This just goes by way too fast. It kind of makes me want to have another baby...just kididng! It's going to be a while before that happens.

Here are some things Cole's doing at 3 months:
*Sleeps in his crib during the night, not for naps though. We'll be working on this.
*He already laughs at mommy's singing. Last night I sang "What's Love Got to do with It?" because they were singing it on American Idol and he thought it was hilarious.
*Wears size 2 diapers and mostly 3-6 month clothes
*Weighs 13lbs and is 24"
*Can hold his head up
*He HATES tummy-time. Another thing we need to work on.
*He loves it when we read books to him
*He babbles a lot. I think he's going to be a talker, which isn't too surprising since Ben and I both talk a lot.
*He scoots on his back. When he wakes up he's at the top of the crib.
*He drools and drools and then drools some more. He's also working on fitting his whole fist in his mouth. Maybe by next month we'll be reporting a tooth.

Day 91
(3 months in his big boy chair)

Day 90

Day 89

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