Thursday, December 29, 2011

7 Months

December 13th 2011

I'm just going to start this off by saying, Holy Cow, this girl is going to (actually she already is) giving me a run for my money! I'm not sure if it's because she's trying to keep up with Cole or what, but she is constantly amazing me by what she has already accomplished and the new things she does every day.
At 7 months, she has 2 teeth, is "army crawling" and, you'd think this would be slow so it wouldn't be an issue, but this girl is FAST, she can get herself back up to a sitting position after she's been crawling, and her latest lovely trick is pulling herself up to stand. Seriously, I went into her room yesterday because she was crying and she was standing up in her crib holding on to the rail. I have no idea how old Cole was when he started doing this, but I'm pretty sure he was older than 7 months. All day long, all she wants to do is practice going from sitting to standing. If you try to sit her down on the floor she locks her knees so she can stand instead of sit. She's one very cute, but determined little girl.

Standing big girl

This is my, "Ain't I cute?" look

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