Monday, December 21, 2009

11 Months!

Things have been kind of crazy busy the past two weeks, so I haven't had time to update the blog. But now we're back in Dugway and preparing to go to Maui for Christmas and then back to Spokane for somebody's 1st Birthday!

Here's what he's been up to now that my big boy is 11 months:
Height and Weight: ? somewhere around 30" and 21lbs
Clothes: 9-12 months Diapers: size 3
Eating: Cole is still nursing in the morning, before both naps, before bed and a couple of times in the middle of the night. We're going to be working on cow's milk soon. He's tried it, but is not a huge fan yet. He's starting to prefer finger foods over pureed and he is eating more veggies. Carrots are his favorite. Now we just need to get him to eat more protein. Overall favorite food: pizza!
Teeth: 8! Now we're just waiting on those molars. Hopefully we have a little break before those come in.
Tricks/Games we play: Cole can now clap and he loves to play patty cake, he puts his hand to his ear whenever he sees a cell phone, he waves "bye bye", he signs "more" and "all done", he shakes his head "no" or when we say, "shake your body", he's working on giving kisses and hugs sometimes he'll do it and sometimes he won't.
Strength: Cole's getting SO CLOSE to just taking off and walking. He'll take about 4-5 steps by himself. He's a mighty fast crawler, climber, and cruiser though.
Favorite toys: the kitchen cupboards, his walking lion, books, and his lovey bear.

Day 347
(Back at home with a very happy Daddy)

Day 346
(Last night at Grandma's for a while)

Day 345
(Lunch with Auntie Kyndra)

Day 344
(Picture with Santa coming soon!)

Day 343
(Cole taking a few steps)

Day 342

Day 341
(Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandkids)

Day 340
(Christmas party at Aunt Viv's new home)

(Santa 2 days in a row!)

Day 339
(Breakfast with Santa at Gonzaga Prep)

Day 338

Day 337
("All Mommy Wants for Christmas is a Silent Night" -
Yeah Right, Mommy!)

Day 336
(Enjoying some Round Table with Grandma and Aunt Viv)

Day 335
(11 Months)

Day 334

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