All I have to say is, Holy Cow! I was thinking the other day about how crazy excited and anxious I was about this time last year and how time just seemed to drag on and on from Nov - Jan 8th. Not this year though. Time is moving quite quickly...a little over two weeks until Thanksgiving and before we know it, it'll be Christmas (I'm going to throw my mom into a panic attack while she's reading this) and then Cole's birthday. I need to get working. I have quite a few special projects to get done. I can't believe I only have to keep taking his picture everyday for 2 more months. I know y'all are probably sick of Cole pictures by now :)
10 Month Stats:
Weight: 20lbs 9oz
Height: 29 3/4 inches
Clothes: 9-12 months Diapers: size 3 Shoes: size 3
Eating Habits: Now eats 3 small (emphasis on the small) meals a day. Usually yogurt and a fruit mixed with cereal of course, and then some finger foods (whatever we are eating). He still nurses in the morning, before morning nap, before afternoon nap, before bedtime, and a couple times at night (working on weaning the night time feedings soon).
Sleeping Habits: Cole really likes to mess with my head on this one. On Thursday night he was up 5 times, but then on Friday he only got up once and he slept in his crib the entire night. He averages 2-4 times a night. You just never know. He takes 2 naps a day for anywhere between 45 - 1.5 hours per nap.
Favorite Activities: Cole's favorite thing to do is look at books. He'll sit for a very long time and just flip through books. He even will be quiet in the car if he's got a book to look at. He'll pick a book over pretty much any toy. It's so cute, sometimes he just sits quietly, but other times he'll open the book and babble like he's reading the story out loud.
Cole's next favorite thing is playing in the kitchen. Spoons, pots, pans, whatever he can get his hands on, he loves!
Temperament: Now that Cole is crawling and exploring more, one thing we've noticed is that he is VERY strong willed. I wonder where he could possibly get this from? :) When he gets his mind on something, there's no changing it. I think we've pulled him away from the tv stand and the flowers in the living room at least 25 times a day since we've been here. I see him spending a lot of time on the time out pad in his future.
Strength: Cole's still only crawling and cruising around on all of the furniture, but my prediction is that by a year he is walking. He'll occasionally let go and balance, but not for too long. He has mastered going up the stairs and now we're working on teaching him to go down safely. That's not as fun as going up though.
Other fun tricks: Cole's working on a few things for everyone at Thanksgiving, but I just have to say, he catches on to things a lot quicker now. It's really fun to teach him to do new things. Also, as far as his first word, I think Lola's going to win the $150 bet. I'm pretty sure that the "DA" he's been saying is really "dog"
10 Month Stats:
Weight: 20lbs 9oz
Height: 29 3/4 inches
Clothes: 9-12 months Diapers: size 3 Shoes: size 3
Eating Habits: Now eats 3 small (emphasis on the small) meals a day. Usually yogurt and a fruit mixed with cereal of course, and then some finger foods (whatever we are eating). He still nurses in the morning, before morning nap, before afternoon nap, before bedtime, and a couple times at night (working on weaning the night time feedings soon).
Sleeping Habits: Cole really likes to mess with my head on this one. On Thursday night he was up 5 times, but then on Friday he only got up once and he slept in his crib the entire night. He averages 2-4 times a night. You just never know. He takes 2 naps a day for anywhere between 45 - 1.5 hours per nap.
Favorite Activities: Cole's favorite thing to do is look at books. He'll sit for a very long time and just flip through books. He even will be quiet in the car if he's got a book to look at. He'll pick a book over pretty much any toy. It's so cute, sometimes he just sits quietly, but other times he'll open the book and babble like he's reading the story out loud.
Cole's next favorite thing is playing in the kitchen. Spoons, pots, pans, whatever he can get his hands on, he loves!
Temperament: Now that Cole is crawling and exploring more, one thing we've noticed is that he is VERY strong willed. I wonder where he could possibly get this from? :) When he gets his mind on something, there's no changing it. I think we've pulled him away from the tv stand and the flowers in the living room at least 25 times a day since we've been here. I see him spending a lot of time on the time out pad in his future.
Strength: Cole's still only crawling and cruising around on all of the furniture, but my prediction is that by a year he is walking. He'll occasionally let go and balance, but not for too long. He has mastered going up the stairs and now we're working on teaching him to go down safely. That's not as fun as going up though.
Other fun tricks: Cole's working on a few things for everyone at Thanksgiving, but I just have to say, he catches on to things a lot quicker now. It's really fun to teach him to do new things. Also, as far as his first word, I think Lola's going to win the $150 bet. I'm pretty sure that the "DA" he's been saying is really "dog"
(Now this is a fun horsey!)
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