Saturday, September 12, 2009

8 Months!

On Tuesday, Cole turned 8 months old. Here's what he's been up to:

*Weight: by my scale, 18lbs, which means he hasn't gained much in 2 months. We go to the pedi on Thursday, so we'll find out the exact weight and height then.

*Sizes: Diapers - 3, Clothes - 6-9 months

*Teeth: 4 chompers (he bit me really hard yesterday) *Update* 5th tooth is breaking through!

*Strength: On his 8 month birthday, Cole figured out how to get from his tummy, to his knees, and back into a sitting position. He sometimes forgets he knows how to get from his tummy back to sitting, but he does it more and more, which is a huge relief to me. He's also practicing his crawling skills everyday, but right now we're still stuck in the pulling himself on the floor stage.

*Personality: We all know Cole's a total sweet heart and loves to smile, esp at strangers. Everyone we see gets a huge kick out of him. Now he's doing this cute head tilt with his smile. Such a flirt! Oh, and he's even more attached to me now than he was last month. He's such a trooper too. We're always dragging him around places and he does such a great job.

*Babbles: Along with Mama, (not officially his first work, but I work on it everyday), he also calls something "A-aba". He's also testing the loudness of his voice. He started screaming in the bathtub the other night. He must like the echo in there or something.

*Sleep: After his two top teeth came in, he was doing better. Now we're back in another regression. His gums look swollen again, so I'm hoping that's the problem. We had to take the bumpers out of his crib and we'll be dropping the crib today or tomorrow. Now that he can get from his tummy to sitting, he can pull up on to his feet. I came in yesterday to get him from his nap and he was standing in the crib!

Day 253

Day 252
(Peeking at what Mama's buying for me)

Day 251

Day 250
(At Arby's in Tooele eating lunch with Mom)

Day 249

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