Monday, May 18, 2009


Cole was quite the party animal this weekend! Ben's cousin, Emily, graduated from the University of Puget Sound, which is right up the street from us. Emily's family had a dinner for her at our house, so we stayed for a drink and appetizers before we had to leave for our second party in Seattle. Cole's future Godfather, Dom, just got home from Iraq and so his friends and wife threw him a welcome home party. Then on Sunday, Ben was on call so Cole and I went to Emily's graduation brunch up at the school. It was another busy weekend packed with fun, friends and family!

Day 129
(Emily, Cole's cousin and babysitter, at her graduation)

Cole with Ben's Cousins: Meghan, Emily, and Danny

Day 128
("Auntie" Merrilee at Dom's party)

Day 127
(Lesson #1 from Lola: how to eat a sock)

Day 126
(Cole's had enough mommy kisses for the night)

(Maybe just one more kiss is OK)

Day 125

Day 123
(I'm sure daddy was saying something funny about mommy in his ear)

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