Saturday, March 14, 2009


It's official, the Jabara's are to report to Dugway Proving Grounds on July 22nd. For those of you that don't know (and don't feel too bad the majority of American's don't know) Dugway is in Utah. Now, before y'all go running out and buying plane tickets because I know you're all dying to visit Dugway, here are a few facts:
Population: 2,016 (Sarah so politely pointed out that she had more people in her high school)
Area: 5.2 square miles
It's 75 miles SW of Salt Lake City, but it takes about 1.5 hours to get there because you have to go over a pass apparently.
Restaurants: Subway (I will most likely hate Subway by the end of the year)

OK, in all seriousness, Ben and I have been joking a lot about Dugway since we found out, but it's not going to be all that bad, I hope. Basically, Dugway isn't even a real town, it's just an Army post. So even though Dugway doesn't have any grocery stores, there is a commissary. There's a community center, workout facility, golf course, schools, daycare, and a clinic where Ben will be the doctor (I know, kind of scary that Ben's in charge of a clinic). We'll end up living on post, mainly because it doesn't sound like there's any other housing and we'll probably end up going into Salt Lake at least every other week, mainly for a Target and Starbuck's fix. Things are definitely going to be different, but it could be worse, Ben could be going to Afghanistan instead, so I'm not complaining...yet.

Day 67
(He actually fell asleep in his swing, this has never happened before)

Day 66

Day 65

Day 64

Day 63
(The Lola Lounge)

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