Friday, January 30, 2009

Mommy's Outing

Day 22
(sporting his new hat)

I've left Cole for short periods of time with Ben just to run to the store or Target, but today his aunties and cousins watched him for 3 whole hours while I got my hair done. I only called them once to check in and of course he did great. Oh, I also feel fabulous today because he slept with Auntie Joelle from 9:30 - 2am while I slept in bed and then he went to his crib and slept until 4am when he ate a bottle, then went back to bed until 7! I did have to get up a few times in there to reinsert the binkie, but that was minimal compared to what I usually have to do.

1 comment:

Eat, Drink & Be Merry said...

omigoodness!!! i'm so excited...we can hang out a lot! ooo...we'll have to plan some fun stuff...and ofcourse if you need ya'll can stay here. i know the base hotels can get a little stuffy after awhile.