Holy Cow! I was outside working on the new room this afternoon and the FedEx truck pulls up and delivers this HUGE box. Well, it was too heavy for me to get inside, so I had to wait patiently until Ben got home. I knew my dear friend, Sarah, put it together, but I had NO IDEA what to expect inside. Well, Ben finally got home and we moved the box in and after getting past the layer of a gazillion diapers, which are awesome, there were gifts from so many of our family and friends on the mainland.
This was seriously the most thoughtful and loving thing ever. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives and Little Miss J is so lucky. The only thing of course that would have made it better is if everyone could have been here with me, but since y'all couldn't, we tried to take as many pictures as possible. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, to everyone for the wonderful surprise! It truly brightened my day and made me so much more excited for Little Miss J!!!! Love you all!

So many pink gifts!

Having a little drink before the opening madness begins
(Don't worry, y'all it's just cider!)

Cole showing us where his sister is

My helper even got a gift, thank goodness.
(That smart Gea thinks of everything!)

Bib and a sling from Mollie & Rob

Cute dress from Aunt Holly

We love the flamingo from Mary Solberg

Receiving blankets from Gea

Toy and soft blanket from Auntie Amy & Uncle Brian

Cool shades and cute shirt from Eve and Monica

One of the adorable outfits from Auntie Amanda

Sleeper from Aunt Viv

One of the sweet outfits from Aunt Sandy

Mommy's helper

The first of hopefully many tutus from Nana, Aunt Jill, and Aunt Jojo

Swaddle blanket and cute shirt and skirt from Sandy

Every girl needs cute shoes and hair accessories from Aunt Patti

Sunscreen (a must) and diapee and wipee case from Aunt Katie

Tutu onesie from Tutu (ha! that's pretty funny in writing)

Precious outfit, and of course, a lovey from Aunt Trudi

Sweet clothes from Auntie Sarah

Another cute outfit from Auntie Sarah

Carseat cover and Sophie the Giraffe from Alison and Avery

Jammies and blanket from Debbi Osterholm

Adorable handmade burp clothes and outfits from Nana, Papa,
Auntie Jill, Uncle Joe, Chels, and Bri

"I guess we don't have to worry about her not having
any clothes anymore!" ~ Daddy

34 weeks, yes, I feel huge

Thank you, everyone! Aloha!