Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Alaina's 1 Year Photos

The wonderful Raquel Cook did Alaina's 1st Year photo shoot.  I'm going to be doing a printing and sending them off, so please pick out which ones you like and what size and email me.  Note that the cake smash collage can only be printed in a 5x7 but any of the pictures in the cake smash collage can be printed separately in any size.  I know...she's so cute, it's hard to choose, huh? :-)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May Days

Here are just a few cute random pictures from the beautiful month of May!

Posing for mama's new camera
Cole's Graduation Performance - moving from the 2year olds to the 3 year olds

Receiving his certificate of achievement from his teacher, Mrs. Kea
Yummy candy lei
Beautiful girl!

We have a slight Lego obsession taking place in our home!

Take me out to the (T)Ball Game!

It's official.  I'm a sports mom.  Cole started T-Ball.  It could quite possibly be the longest hour of our Saturday morning, but he seems to be enjoying it and that's what it's all about, right?  Cole was beyond excited to get to go to T-Ball with Gandpa when he was here visiting!  We all know how much Gandpa likes baseball.  The boys had quite the good time on the field. 

 Waiting for the ball

 Big hit!

 Deep in concentration...

This is what we like to call his "T-Ball Stance"

Relaxing outside with Gandpa after a long day!

Barth Wedding

Wow, things were really, really busy since Easter.  I'm finally feeling a sense of release and relaxation and now that the wedding, guests, birthdays are all over, and now it's time for home organization, summer fun, kitchen renovation and new activities with the kids!  
There were obviously a ton of pictures taken of Katie and Wade's wedding festivities, but here are just a sampling of the fun we had.

Wednesday - dinner at Tutu & Gpaw's

Thursday - Beach Day!

Friday - Rehearsal, Bridal Luncheon, & Rehearsal Dinner

Saturday - WEDDING DAY!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter?

I realized today that I've had some personal growth the past year or so. Before Alaina, I would have been completely upset about an Easter picture like this. My type A personality just wouldn't allow such a thing to even happen. In fact, we probably would have gone back multiple times until we got a happy shot, but I've come to realize that such is life and, in actuality, it'll be a better story when she's older. We'll look back at her first picture with the Easter Bunny and laugh. At least Cole looks cute. A few days ago he flat out refused to go see the bunny, so I had to heavily bribe him. I told him that the bunny wouldn't know how to get to our house if we didn't go give him directions. I wasn't going to make him go, but the thought of not having a picture of the two of them with the Easter Bunny made me really sad. Hey, I said I've grown, I didn't say I wasn't completely crazy anymore ;-)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Preschool Field Trip

On Wednesday, Cole's class went to Kualoa Ranch to visit the animals that they had been learning about all month. We had just gotten back from Tutu and Gpaw's house, so he was used to some of the animals, but it was fun seeing new things like the cow, donkey, and bunny.

Kualoa Ranch

Petting "Domino" the bunny

Had to get a shot of those mountains

Cole did not like the cow "it was too slobbery"

He did like Chocolate, the donkey

New Behavior

This past two weeks I've been noticing my usually timid son getting braver and braver. He's never been a risk taker at all and now I find him doing stuff like this:

Whatcha doin' up there brother?

This picture is for his grandpas

What is this slobbery thing?

I'm cute. And I know it.

I'm pretty cute too